
Welcome to the


of the Medical Resonance Therapy Music®

Listen to the voice of Cosmic Harmony

The ancient tradition of natural medicine

New branch of scientific medicine

The first and only medical music in the world
based on an objective science


Become a member of our

Harmony Music Universal Library®

authentic   scientifically objective   performance-oriented

This gives you anytime access to the

current Medical Resonance Therapy Music®
program in qualified german mp3-streaming quality

at present over 1500 medical music preparations


In the HARMONY MUSIC UNIVERSAL LIBRARY® there are so far five different types of memberships – through which the access to the programs of Medical Resonance Therapy Music® is defined.

1. Basic Membership

With the Basic Membership, the member has access at all times to all medical music preparations of the First Generation of Medical Resonance Therapy Music® in qualified german mp3-streaming quality

at present 243 music preparations

2. Bronze Membership

With the Bronze Membership, the member has access at all times to all medical music preparations of the First Generation and the Second Generation of Medical Resonance Therapy Music® in qualified german mp3-streaming quality

at present 700 music preparations

3. Silver Membership

With the Silver Membership, the member has access at all times to all medical music preparations of the First, Second and Third Generation of Medical Resonance Therapy Music® in qualified german mp3-streaming quality

at present 928 music preparations

4. Golden Membership

With the Golden Membership, the member has access at all times to all medical music preparations of the First, Second, Third and Fourth Generation of Medical Resonance Therapy Music® in qualified german mp3-streaming quality

at present 1156 music preparations

5. Platinum Membership

With the Platinum Membership, the member has access at all times to all medical music preparations of the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Generation of Medical Resonance Therapy Music® as well as to the complete program „Activating Total Brain Functioning“ in qualified german mp3-streaming quality

at present 1557 music preparations

The scientifically documented medical research results
were achieved by listening to many different music preparations
and in full length in CD quality

Harmonie Gesundheitsclub